Robert Palmer’s Money Minute Segments
Money Minute: Refinancing Your Home Equity Loan
As host of the Money Minute, RP Funding CEO Robert Palmer uses his expertise in the financial and real estate industries to answer viewer questions and offer valuable advice on money saving tips and personal […]
Money Minute: Reasons Your Loan May Be Denied
Have you ever applied for a home loan due to the low mortgage rate, only to find out you don’t qualify? If so, here are a few reasons why you may have been denied a […]
Money Minute: Shopping Around for Your Car
One of the biggest decisions we have to make with our finances comes when we purchase a vehicle. This is where executing Rule #1 of shopping around can prevent you from spending too much, getting […]
Money Minute: The Story of Robert Palmer
RP Funding CEO and host of the Money Minute radio show, Robert Palmer regularly uses his financial expertise to answer viewer questions and offer valuable advice on money saving tips and personal finance goals. Learn […]
Money Minute: How to Build Credit
Having an established credit history is necessary to make life’s biggest and most important purchases, but how does one start to build credit? In this week’s Money Minute, RP Funding CEO Robert Palmer is here […]
Money Minute: Is It Better to Rent or Buy a House?
If you want to purchase a home but are unsure about the current market and the potential impact such a large investment will have on your finances, RP Funding CEO and host of the Money […]
Money Minute: Should You Pay Off Your Credit Each Month?
Many borrowers are confused about what can help or hurt them when it comes to their credit. One Money Minute viewer asks, “Is it a good idea to completely pay off my credit card balance each […]
Money Minute: Ways To Raise Your Credit Score
Even though you may have zero debt and have never been delinquent on a bill, you could still have a low credit score or it may be lower than what you thought it should be. […]
Money Minute: Robert Palmer’s Best Financial Advice
RP Funding CEO and host of the Money Minute radio show, Robert Palmer regularly uses his financial expertise to answer viewer questions and offer valuable advice on money saving tips and personal finance goals, as […]
Money Minute: Combating Credit and Debit Card Fraud
Have you been a victim of credit or debit card fraud? One Money Minute viewer reached out for help. She writes, “My husband and I have the same bank and have had multiple fraud charges […]
Money Minute: Can Credit Counseling Services be Trusted?
Sometimes, even the best of us need help — but when it comes to your finances, is it worth the cost?
With the rapid fall of the national economy still fresh in the minds of many […]
Money Minute: Are Credit Monitoring Services Accurate?
Having a good credit score is important for consumers in the market to make a large purchase, such as a home or a car. However, the variety of different credit scores can confuse those who […]
Money Minute: The Best Way You Can Be Saving for College
After the birth of your first child, it’s not long before you start looking forward to the many landmark moments that come with raising a family: baby’s first steps, first day of school, first date, […]
Money Minute: Removing Medical Collections from Credit Reports
Credit card debt isn’t the only factor affecting your credit score. Medical collections can lower your credit score by as much as 100 points and play a big part in determining your interest rate on […]
Money Minute: How to Get the Best Deal When Financing a New Car
Many consumers are unaware that they have options when it comes to financing a new car. But is it smarter to finance through the bank, or right through the dealership?
As host of the Money […]
Money Minute: What Is Private Mortgage Insurance and How to Eliminate It
If you put less than 20 percent down on your home, most mortgage lenders will require you to pay for private mortgage insurance, or PMI. The lower your down payment, the higher your probability of […]
Money Minute: Received a Credit Limit Increase? Here Are the Pros and Cons
Credit limit increases are not given by credit card companies lightly. They are a deliberate decision made based on a history of making your payments on time. If a company feels a credit increase would […]
Money Minute: Simultaneous Closing – the Best Way to Buy and Sell a House at the Same Time
Closing on a new home can be one of the most exciting times of your life. So exciting, in fact, that it’s not hard for people to get wrapped up in the moment and forget […]
Money Minute: Should You Be Afraid to Check Your Credit Score?
Most big decisions in your life involve — and even depend on — your credit score. The rates on your car loan, mortgage, and new credit card all depend on this number. However, […]
Money Minute: What Are Interest Rates and APRs, and How Do They Work?
The act of borrowing money always comes with an interest rate. Whether it’s getting a mortgage, applying for a student loan, or participating in a small monetary transaction involving your credit card, interest rates are […]